Friday, December 9, 2011


I really do not appreciate people who blame the past for their present, it’s the past and that is that. NOW MOVE ON WITH YOUR FREAKING LIFE!
I am sure if given the opportunity, we all will tweak our past in one way or another, does that guarantee that the present will be any better? NOPE. So stop blaming shit that happened ages ago and just move on already.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Every-time I feel sad, I remember ALL God has done in my life this year and I smile :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Not an Automatic Response

You know that feeling when you overly crave and want someone so much, you feel passionately carried away. Your heart beats fast, your skin clears up (True story) and you feel like your object of affection is the reason you breathe?
      Well, that feeling isn’t love. It’s excitement. The longevity of the feeling depends on how long it takes you to get to know the person, the nitty/gritty of who they really are. If you are always together, it won’t take long for the feeling to pass. If you are far apart, it will take a very long time for this feeling to pass. The point is, no matter how long it takes, the feeling will pass. This feeling isn’t unique to love, it happens as a result of NEWNESS in every relationship. Every time you meet somebody you are interested in, you WILL experience this state of excitement.
      Then what comes next; LOVE, HATE OR INDIFFERENCE. Yope, those are your three options.
      Let’s start with indifference shall we, at this point you don’t hate or like the person. You realize they are great but not all you imagined them to be. You have a choice of either working hard to create something (if you are both interested) or you can just forget the relationship and get “Excited” about someone NEW. This continues on until you either get a grip or for as long as you live.
      HATE: Hate is defined as “a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects”. In my opinion hatred occurs when you do not wish someone well, when you simply wish for them to be UNHAPPY. This is usually the end story of relationships that are entered into for all the wrong reasons.
        LOVE: That feeling of protection, the selfish, often unreasonable feeling of belonging. The most important characteristic of love in my opinion is “feeling strongly enough to wish for another person’s happiness, even when their happiness isn’t with you”. You care enough to know when to hold on and when to let go. You can’t truly LOVE when restrained, to love truly; you must give enough for it to hurt. You can’t love and “keep your options open” at the same time, Love should be a give all, take all type deal. I truly believe love is a conscious mental decision, not an automatic response. To truly love someone, you have to make the decision to place them above all else, to devote your attention to them alone, to “honor” them with your thoughts and actions, LIMITLESS, risky and selfless.
       You cannot love someone because they are good-looking; there will always be someone more attractive and at that Beauty is a temporary state of being .You cannot love someone because they are rich, they shower you with gifts, they have “swag”, and they speak well e.t.c physical attributes are TEMPORARY.
      The only thing you can truly love someone for, is their person(who they are when the world isn't watching), when you think about a person at their worst/lowest moment imaginable and you can still see yourself loving them, then you are IN-LOVE. The highest achievement in love is complete trust in your object of affection. REMEMBER THAT FEELING OF EXCITMENT? Well... it comes back when you are truly in-love, but only after you truly give everything and this time it comes to stay. :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I miss doing nothing next to you :(

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


"Cheers to new discoveries of old patterns, to the unending smile in absentia. Cheers to the eyes that refuses to see, the ear that never heed"

Sunday, September 11, 2011


"Let the record reflect the records we set
Best foot forward with every step
And let’s push towards it, never regress
And let’s remember, if ever we get
Down, the places that we came from ’round
And all the good times on the bad side of town
The upside of bad, flip it upside down"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Conversation of the day

A: .......well no one is perfect or are you saying you are?

B: Nope, not perfect by any means, not even delusional enough to think perfection exists. Just a less than ordinary girl seeking an imperfectly HONEST life, where people actually treat others the way they want to be treated, say what they mean and means what they say. Live life knowing  nothing is without fault, the grass might appear greener on the other side but it's only because we are yet to step on it and the fact that you know someone cant live without you doesnt mean you should take them for granted, because if you force them to try hard enough, they will eventually succeed.oooo... and I wish people will just realize that nothing is hidden under the sun, not anymore anyways, nothing truly exist as a secret expect  it only exists in your mind, once you let it out in one form or another, it's common knowledge.

A: and long story sha. una make small sense though. I laugh in Swahili. no no... you make a lot of sense.

B:...tele unko? *Kanye shrug* 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just do it!

"Deferring your happiness to the future is a terrible idea

Too many people presume that when they have that one thing they can work towards for years then “everything will be alright”.

This is delusional.

When you get it, there will be something else missing in your life. I fundamentally believe that long-term pure happiness from one particular situation or achievement is a pipe-dream, but we can learn to be content with what we have, live in the now, all while enjoying the progress and changes we are making.

If your whole life is working up towards one really big major goal that you hold on to for years, then you will have a major anticlimax after the dust settles. Work towards it, but stop deferring your happiness.

Get there slower and enjoy the ride "
Read more HERE

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


........ Here we go AGAIN!!!. Je ne sais même pas si je devrais être choqué, déçu ou en colère . sheshhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Cheesy Friday

Lust is easy.  Love is hard.  Like is most important.  ~Carl Reiner

Sometimes it is the person closest to us who must travel the furthest distance to be our friend.  ~Robert Brault
 We are, many of us, a planet orbiting somebody's sun, unconscious of a lonely moon, orbiting our planet.  ~Robert Brault

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunshine & Rainbow

Tea + Accounting + Cheesy Slow Songs + sunshine = An Epic Saturday Morning 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Times like Now

877 reasons to give up, 1 reason to keep going.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nigerian E-Passport Deadline Extended Indefinitely



It is hereby notified for information of the general public especially Nigerians and all those eligible for the issuance of Standard Nigerian Passport, that owing to unforeseen circumstances and in order not to put Nigerians abroad in jeopardy, the Federal Government of Nigeria has extended the validity of the existing Nigeria Machine Readable Passport (MRP) from the earlier date of April 30, 2011 until further notice.
(2) However expired Machine Readable Passports will not be renewed, rather a new e-Passport must be obtained.
(3) By virtue of the extension of the validity indefinitely, holders of valid Machine Readable Passports will continue to receive transactional recognition from relevant host and foreign authorities.
(4) Please be informed and inform all.
Consulate-General of Nigeria,
Atlanta, Georgia.
April 07, 2011"
Source :

A Love Rekindled By Myne Whitman

"Efe returns to Nigeria after years in the United States, dreaming of an uncomplicated life. However, her nights become plagued by nightmares of Kevwe Mukoro, her ex-fiancé. Long hours at work and drinking in nightclubs only provide temporary relief, and when she encounters Kevwe's twin brother, she knows it's a matter of time before Kevwe is back in her life.

Sparks fly when they finally meet again, but desire is no match for bitter memories of heartbreak. All these years, Efe believed she was rejected; now Kevwe claims he'd never stopped loving her. Stuck at a crossroads, Kevwe prefers to look to the future, but Efe is not so sure. Can the traumatic events of the past be resolved, and will she give in to rekindled love?"

An interview with the Author

Who was your favorite childhood author?

Myne; "My favorite author when I was growing up was Enid Blython and Cyprian Ekwensi. Their books were filled with adventure, and new places which I really loved as a child".

what do you find the most inspiring when you are write?

Myne; "What inspires me most as I write is the strength in humanity, how most times we're able to overcome a lot of adversity in life".
The book can currently be bought at the following outlets;

CREATESPACE - Book Launch Discount Code 5% off (5YPZ5L8Y)