Friday, January 21, 2011

I Refuse

I refuse to be saddened by petty behaviors, I refuse to be stressed out by silly comments, I refuse to  be a victim, I refuse to live in fear, I refuse to repay evil with evil, I refuse to let the will of a mere mortal govern over my life, I refuse to let the undermining nature of humans dictate my steps, I refuse to let the will of everyone who has ever said/wished/thought that "she will never reach it" affect my outlook on life, I refuse to walk around with a sunken face because things don't always fall into place....oh.. I REFUSE!

I refuse to concern myself with anything other than the fairness of MY heart, who I am , who I want to be and what makes ME who I am. No human, old /young/intermediate/ no matter how powerful should think they have premise over someone else s life, the WILL of GOD trumps all other things.

Every struggle, fight, defeat, win, tear, smile, pain, happiness, disappointment, dejection, rejection and laughter for as long I still have my life, only takes me closer to Gods promise land.

Note; the things people say & do is a reflection on their character and totally up to them, the way you react is a reflection on your character and it's totally up to you.
Life is too important to waste on pretence.