Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Not Good Enough

Not good enough
I can’t count the number of times I hear people say that in passing, as if it doesn’t mean anything. “She is not good enough for him” “he is too good for her” “she is just not good enough” “he just doesn’t measure up” “she is too good for someone like that”.
              Whatever makes us think we can pass judgment like we own the world, that we can just tag something God created as “not good enough”; God has made every single one of us extraordinary in our own little way. For some people, Simple & ordinary is just super fantastic.
               The next time you feel the urge to say “s/he is not good enough” “what does he see in her” “ she can do so much better than him ” please take a moment to ask yourself, if you were being judged based on the way you look/act/ walk/speak/ right in that moment, will you even get shortlisted? not to talk  of being considered “good enough”.
As Gods creations, we are all able, close your eyes and open your heart.